Miami County EMS uses two trailors for Special Operations.
The first trailer is a Mass Casualty Incident (MCI response) trailer used for disaster response. This trailer
has been to Greensburg and Joplin following the devastating tornadoes that ravaged those communities and served as an aid
station during the Osawatomie flood of 2007. This trailer carries extra spine boards, c-collars, IV supplies, bandaging
supplies, radios and various other resources that may be needed during a response to an emergency or a disaster.
Miami County's second trailer is the newest one which is primarily used to haul the John Deere Medical Gator. The
Gator is used at events such as the Roots Festival in Paola or the John Brown Jamboree in Osawatomie where it can negotiate
crowds easier than an ambulance. The trailer itself is air-conditioned and hauls a portable generator and can be used
as a first-aid station at events.