The Vial of L.I.F.E. is a program supported by Miami County EMS and Auten
Pharmacy to help assist Miami County EMS obtain vital medical information during an emergency.
The program consists of a vial that contains a full size medical form,
a wallet size form, and a label. The medical form is to be completed by you and once completed placed back in the vial. The
wallet size form is the same form in a smaller format that can be carried in your wallet/purse.
Once the full size form is complete and in the vial, the vial is then placed
on the top shelf in the door of your refrigerator. The label included is designed to be displayed prominently on your front
door. This label will notify responding emergency personnel that additional information will be available.
The Vial of L.I.F.E. vial may be obtained from Auten Pharmacy, 125 E Main,
Osawatomie, or Miami County EMS, 32765 Clover Dr, Paola. If you would like a large quantity please contact Miami County EMS
at (913) 294-5010 for additional information. If you need a new form simply click on the link below and print them at home.