Miami County EMS particpates in events thoroughout
each year that benefit the citizens of the county.
Each year, Miami County EMS in conjunction with local Fire and Police Departments
and the Sheriff's Office organize and stage a mock prom crash scenario. This scenario emphasizes the importance of safely
enjoying the prom and after prom activities, and shows first hand the devastating effects of texting and driving or driving
under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This event rotates between the school districts to catch each graduating class
at least once.
Miami County EMS also provides medical stand-bys for events such high school football games, rodeos, races, watersports
events, bicycle events, the Roots Festival, John Brown Jamboree, Running with the Cows and the Muddy Udder events, Midwest
Meltdown Triathlon, parades, public fireworks displays and many other events where an ambulance or medical coverage is
Below you may request an ambulance for a stand-by event by filling out the form and clicking submit.
Please note we require at least 10 days notice if the ambulance needs to be dedicated to your standby.